Watch a lengthy interview with CNN Anchor Fredricka Whitfield on the subject of men’s postpartum...

See this special segment produced by Japanese Public Television on postpartum depression in fathers, which features an interview with Dr. Courtenay. (Note: This program is recorded in...

“As many as one in four new dads may experience what’s called parental postnatal depression, and the problem can be more than just psychological, Courtenay...

Post-Partum Depression Not Just for...

Karen Owoc, The Health Reporter, talked at length with Dr. Will about men and how to improve their mental health. They covered lots of topics, including anxiety, post-traumatic stress, phobias, stress, depression, fatherhood, the importance of social support for men,...

See Dr. Courtenay being interviewed by Ysabel Duron and Marty Gonzalez about men’s depression and suicide on KRON 4 Weekend Morning...